HSE Officer( АрселорМиттал Темиртау )
Date of birth: 02.09.1980
Discipline: HSE
Citizenship: Atyrau , Kazakhstan
Cell phone: +7 775 147 73 83
E-mail: daur.1981 @mail.ru
NEBOSH certified with over 10 years’ industrial experience in areas of occupational safety and
health management, environmental protection, lifting operation and emergency response.
Experience in incident investigations, regulatory compliance, mana gement systems development
and participating hazard identifications and risk assessments, supervising of transportation,
storage and use of radioactive sources and other hazardous materials. Recommended as results -
orientated, motivated professional wi th th e ability to effectively interact with all levels of the
Work experience:
Emergency Response Lead
April 2022 - till now
LLP Kentech Kazakhstan Technical Services
3GI TCO (Tengi z Chev roil ) System Completion Project, Tengiz oilfield , Atyrau reg ion,
Main duties:
• Coordinate and lead the Emergency Response personnel .
• Coordinate training for all emergency response team members .
• Maintain compliance with Company, Client, and Regulatory requirements in the related
field .
• Prov ides technical input into emergency response policies , processes, and proc edures.
Ensures compliance with applicable governmental regulations and company standards.
• Administers project emergency response drill program in support of tactical emergency
respo nse preparedness. Assesses performance through debri efings, exercise critiques, and
lessons learned.
• Promote ER awareness of all project personnel through training and other
communication .
• Supervise the in -service training for project Incident Management T eam, On -scene
response Team and Safety Off icers .
• Overall responsible for site emergency preparedness (Fire, spill, medical, nature)
• Emergency Response Sp ecialist for off -site (camp, transportation ) emergencies
• Satisfy all Corporate KMS and ISO requirements .
HSE Lead ( Responsib le for Podding /Cov id Compliance )
April 2021 -April2022
LLP Kentech Kazakhstan Technical Services /TC O Secondees
TCO (Tengi z Chevroil) Orken Village Project, Tengiz oilfield , Atyrau regi on, Kazakhstan
Main duties:
• Overall accountable for POD management system implementation effectiveness.
• Identifies changes in work or schedule that would require an updаtеto POD structure .
• Ensures that POD management system is reviewed when required .
• Accountable for providing the resources required for maintaining the POD management
system effectively .
• Final approver of all changes in the POD management .
• Respon sible for ensuring that POD management system is implemented and maintained
on site.
• Responsible for allocati ng the resources that are required for implementing the POD
management system on site .
• Responsible for completing daily inspections of POD at sit e.
• Responsible for conducting inductions and instr uctions to site personnel and drivers on
maintaining an effe ctive POD management system .
SITE HSE Manager
September2020 -April2021
LLP Kentech Kazakhstan Technical Services
3GP TCO (Tengi z Chevroil) Stage2 Power Project, Tengiz oilfield , Atyrau regi on,
Main duties:
• Participate in the development of tendering documentation, contracts, qualification
requirements, technical assignments and techni cal specifications for purchase orders;
• Setup department work related to monitoring of health and safety, emergency response,
civil defense and environmental protection standards, norms and requirements;
• Control the execution of action items issued by state inspections in relation to health and
safety, emergency response, civil defense and environmental protection;
• Participate and/or ensure pa rticipation of the department staff in investigations of
incidents, accidents, technological violations; in development of action plans aimed at
preventing occupational injuries and incidents on work site ensuring follow -up
monitoring of their implementati on;
• Set up the process of developing integrated plans of company related to improvement of
working conditions to the requirements imposed by regulatory legal acts related to health
and safety, emergency response, civil defense and environmental protection, and ensure
control over their execution;
• Introduce requirements, instructions (guidelines) for the heads of structural divisions of
company to eliminate identified violations of requirements and standards related to health
and safety, emergency response, civil defense and environmental protection;
• Prepare summary reports, information, and state ments on business activity of company
related to health and safety, emergency response, civil defense and environmental
• Setup process of developing a nd revising internal documents, rules, standards, and
guidelines related to health and safe ty in company;
• In conjunction with the heads of company structural divisions promote health and safety
topic through participation in meeting related to health and safety, prepare HSE related
stands, distribute rules, guidelines and posters;
• Perfor m cause and effect analysis related to occupational injuries and diseases in
company structural divisions; develop mitigation action plans in conjunction with the
heads of company structural divisions;
• Monitor conduction of training for the employees i n relation to safe working practices,
conduction of training and knowledge testing; correct records keeping related to training
and knowledge testing pertinent to health and safety;
• Monitoring updаtеof technical documentation related to health and sa fety, emergency
response, civil defense and environmental protection required by standards and other
regulatory documents;
• Setup the process of developing safety induction progr ams for workers and engineering
technical personnel of company, provision of induction to new administrative and
managerial personnel of company;
• HSE annual budget development and utilization (preparation of material technical
specification, procurement t racking, material incoming control etc.);
• Organization of workplace assessment (certification) and implementation of control
measures for improving the workplace conditions and workers health following the
assessment results;
• Organization of periodical c ompulsory medical examination of employees and
implementation of control measures for improving workers health following the
examination results;
• Acting as contract holder medical and fire service provider contractors;
HSE Compliance Manager
May 2019 -Mar ch2020
LLP Kentech Kazakhstan Technical Services
3GP TCO (Tengi z Chevroil) All Project, Tengiz oilfield , Atyrau regi on, Kazakhstan
Main duties:
• Ensure t he c ompliance of contractual obligations in terms of Exhibit D HES
requirements .
• Development and Impl ementation of HSE Management System according to RoK and
Project Client Requirements .
• Coordination of Contractor \Subc ont ractor HSE MS activities , including i nterim
performance Review s, Field inspection, Performance I mprovement Plan, HES Mitigation
Plans .
• Subcontractors’ pre -qualification &HES Evaluation .
• Coordination of HES document \procedure review, updates and approvals .
• Carrying out internal HSE audits and Subcontrac tors audits .
• Working on close -outs of audit NCR .
• Review and updates of HSE RoK regulatio ns register log .
HSE Manager
June2015 -May2019
LLP Kentech Kazakhstan Technical Services
TCO (Tengi z Chevroil) Base business SGE CAR/SGR/WHU Project s, Tengiz oilfield ,
Atyrau regi on, Kazakhstan
Main duties:
• Ensure Projec t specific safety rules and procedures are adhere d to at all times ensure
project operations are in full compliance with RoK.
• Inspect workplaces and provide solutions for creating/improving safe work environment,
e.g. , guards, protecting and blocking devic es and other safeguards from hazardous
industria l factors.
• Conduct inspections to ensure safe construction, maintenance and testing activities, safe
use of machinery and personal & collective protective equipment.
• Liai se with other departments of KKTS on personnel HSE training, certification of
workplaces and equipment to conform with safety rules and regulations.
• Develop measures for preventing occupational illnesses and on -the -job accidents.
• Assist in dev eloping and revision of KKTS safety sta ndards and procedures.
• Cond uct toolbox meetings and HSE inductions.
• Control storage, issue and cleaning of safety shoes, other personal protective equipment
and guards, efficient use of resources provided for HSE ac tivities.
• Prepare reports using approp riate forms and in due time.
• Carry out other tasks as inst ructed by Line Supervisor.
• Manage all HSE aspects of major electrical and instrumentation services installation /
construction works.
• Target the achievement of zero accidents on site.
• Develop an d maintain excellent working rela tionships with the project management team,
employees and key client representatives.
• Provide advice, guidance, instruction and training in all safety, health and environment
matters to employees (including where applicabl e to sub -contractors, suppliers an d
visitors to sites).
• Develop the Project HSE Plan with the Project Manager, ensure implementation and
review regularly.
HSE Manager
December 2009 -April2015
AGIP KCO Karab atan Project s, , Atyrau regi on, Kazakhstan
Main du ties:
• Monitor and assist in ensurin g the compan y is in full compliance with all relevant HSE
legislation, codes of practice, guidance and industry standards.
• Support and maintain the Risk Assessment and Management p rocess for all business
• Admini ster and manage the Health Promotion initiatives wi thin the organization.
• Administer and issue -controlled documents within the Company Managing System.
• Supporting the provision of HSE Information required for Tender documents and
Customer questionnaires.
• Arrange and provide training, suppo rt and advice for all relevant personnel on the
effective use of the Company Managing System.
• Monitoring and administer Safety Observation Scheme and ensure issues raised are
appr opriately assigned and closed out.
• Provide monthly statistics on complete d/outstanding actio ns
• Performing and assist in the regional audit process in order to ensure that the
Management System controls all work activities which expose employees and/or
company property to risk, damage or pot ential legal action
• Provide assistan ce to site HSE groups.
• Checking on HSE reporting provided by Site’s HSE engineers.
• Prepare monthly HSE reports and submit to Corporate HSEQ Manager.
• Preparing guidelines for safe work performance.
• Incident investiga tion.
• Control and perform audits of contractors.
• Develop of Pr ojects HSE Plans
HSE Mana ger
March2007 -November2009
LLP Kentech Kazakhstan Technical Services
TCO (Tengi z Chevroil) SGP ,SGI and GUP pro jects , Tengiz oilfield , Atyrau regi on,
Ma in duties:
• Administering the wa ys and methods of implementing safe and healthy work Conditions
following up the requirements of current legislation, safety Instruc tions and standard
norms as well as observance of hygiene rules at Industrial areas, ins tru ctions on fire
• Provi ding a survey of working conditions, organizing a necessary Certification of a
sanitary -technical condition in the units, technical Inspection of equipment, protective
means for wor k, ventilation system Work premises.
• M oni toring and providing the observan ce of labor law, requirements on Safety standards,
any kind of safety legislation and instructions, citations from safety enforcemen t
• Instructing unit managers to recti fy any violations on safety requirement s
• Recommend sending for re -certifi cation at a particular equipment or areas those
employees who violating safety rules and norms through the Managers of relevant
dep artments.
• Suggesting appraising employees for a g ood work in compliance with Safety rule s b y
submitting a report to the mana gement staff of the company
• Reporting about employees who are faulty for safety rules violations and therefore for an
accident at w ork and seek for their disciplinary Punishment.
• Organize and maintain necessary environm ent al compliance files Maintain info rmation
and accounting logs regarding emissions to Atmosphere, wastes, water consumption, and
accident resulting in Environmental p ollution.
• Participating in the safety program as r equested. Organizing and participating in safety
• Familiarization of normative and legal acts and methodical Recommendations on labor
protection matters.
• Training and experience with oil field s afe work practices, such as: safe work permit
progra ms,
• Hot work/confined space entry/excav ati on/defensive driving/hoisting Ope rations.
HSE Supervisor
July 2005 -February 2007
LLP Kentech Kazakhstan Te chnical Services Tengiz Kazakhstan
TCO (Tengi z Chevroil) NGGS pro jects , Tengiz oilfield , Atyrau regi on, Kazakhstan
Main duties:
• Provi de cover for expatriate HSE Manager i n Pro ject areas during his absence, taking
full responsibility for all HSE related matters and temporarily reporting to the appropriate
Construction General Superintendent.
• Activit ies including to schedule of safety au dits/inspections on a Weekly basis or more
frequent schedule if determined by audit Inspection results.
• Working with TCO partners to familiarize them self with equipment Tools/ materials
that the Partner bring on the project to complete the contracted wor k.
• Reviewing work permits in the are a to ensure continued compliance for enhancement of
safety for both work and the workers involved.
• Reviewing safety inspections reports, equipment, tools, and vehicle Safety relate d
documentation, filling of project -ge ne rated reports.
• Attending Project H SE me etings or other meetings as requested to represent the
Project/Site HSE function.
• Reviewing the completed KKTS safety inspection reports to ensure their reported
• Other duties as defined by the Area HSE M anager/Project HES Senior safety ma nager .
HSE Permit coordinator
September 2004 -October 2005
LLP Kentech Kazakhstan Technical Services Tengiz Kazakhstan
TCO (Tengi z Chevroil) NGGS pro jects , Tengiz oilfield , Atyrau regi on, Kazakhstan
HSE Permit coordinator
August 2002 -August2004
LLP Senimd Kurulys Tengiz Kazakhstan
TCO (Tengi z Chevroil) Sulphur For ming Pro jects , Tengiz oilfield , Atyrau regi on,
Field interpreter
September 20 00 - July 2002
LLP Kentech Kazakhstan Technical Services
TCO/ Te xaco Chevron North Buzachi Projects
Field interpreter
October 19 98 -August 2000
BECHTEL -ENKA Joint Venture
TCO (Tengi z Chevroil) Train -5 Pro jects , Tengiz oilfield , Atyrau regi on, Kazakhstan
Computer skills
MS Word, PowerPoint, MS Excel, MS Outlook, Internet Explorer,
Have a driver license category «В».
Education: 1994 -199 8 Kazakh -Turkish secondary high school
2004 -2010 Esenova university
Profess ion : oil -chemical
Qualification : Engineer
Certifi cates: NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Safety and Healt h
(With credit )
Personal qualities: Liable, purposeful, ability to achieve targets, quick learning, communicative,
intuitive, energet ic, self -motivated, sociable, pr oactive, initiative, diplomatic, and creative.
Kazakh -Native
Russian -Fluent
English -Fluent
Turkish - Fluent
17 июня, 2015
44 года ( 1 июля 1980)
14 июня, 2014
48 лет ( 4 марта 1976)
16 августа, 2014
41 год ( 6 февраля 1983)